Thursday 30 August 2012

Ban on bulk SMSes and MMSes withdrawn with immediate effect

The government has lifted the ban on bulk SMSes and MMSes with immediate effect.
After limiting the use of SMSes to curb rumours that led to a mass exodus of people from the northeastern part of the country, the government today has lifted the ban on bulk SMSes and MMSes with immediate effect, which means a user can send as many SMS/MMS he wants to.

On August 17, the government levied a ban on sending bulk SMSes and MMSes for 15 days after reports of threatening messages being sent through SMS, MMS, e-mails and postings on social media sites, to people from the northeast that they would be attacked to avenge the ethnic violence in Assam.

On Thursday last week, the Ministry of Communications increased the cap on SMSes to 20 from five.

These actions were taken against the backdrop of the exodus of northeastern people from cities like Bangalore, Pune and Hyderabad following a tide of rumours that they would be attacked.

Rumours were being spread through SMS/MMS that people from the northeast region would be attacked after Eid Aug 20 to avenge the recent ethnic violence in Assam, in which more than 74 people were killed.

The rumours caused thousands of students and workers from the northeastern states to flee to Guwahati from Bangalore by special trains.

Recently, the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) said the ban on bulk SMSes should be immediately lifted as it is affecting the business of many firms, mainly small and medium enterprises.

At present, it said, there are more than 1,00,000 enterprises, mainly small and medium enterprises (SMEs), that are dependent on this medium for customer outreach which are sent out by over 3,000 registered telemarketers based on rules set by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).

Tuesday 28 August 2012

On the railway premises, eating of pan,
chewing totacco,gutka and spitting should be fined heavily.Its the influx of people who ruins our trains.They will not spit in their house or sacred places.You can see passengers just take a seat and open their food package and start eating and throwing the ends of the floor of trains. Sticking bill folders on the interior of trains,but they will not do in their houses.Commuters barging in handicapped cabin, should be doused with color water when alighting with a spray gun,like they do in Asian country when roof toppers are seen on board.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Fourteen years old girl commits suicide.....

Date: 25 August 2012. Saturday.

   Exam fever is yet to catch up but study pressure caught up with a 14 year old girl student of Atomic Energy Central school in Anushakti Nagar Trombay Unnati Umesh Jeswani committed suicide by hanging herself on the ceiling fan at her residence. the fear of suicides is still high in the mind of the students which make them to take this kind of action in their life..........


Dalit woman in gaya

Date: 25 August 2012. Saturday.

     A middle age woman was beaten up in public and parad half naked in a village in Bihar's Gaya district Sonma devi was in injured when her sons & daughters-in-law assaulted cut her hair. this shows that the cruelty of mankind are still in practiced doesn't matter whoever the person is.........

New Services of the best for the commuters

Date:25 August 2012. Saturday.

   The new features of the BEST undertaking including SMS services and a website to locate buses seem to be shaking their heads in disapproval because the best site is very technical and people will find it difficult to navigate it. The website doesn't explain what PIS information is, or what UP or DOWN bus stop codes are on August 7 the brihanmumbai Electric supply and transport undertaking introduction Global positioning system (GPS) devices in 1000 city buses including all AC buses they want to catch with the help of (

Friday 24 August 2012

Suicide by the student's in the 21st century

Date: 20 Aug 2012.Monday.

   Education  is a term which we used to make an individual perfect in his/her life to achieve some particular goals which they set for their future .

   Because wants to see their children"Best of the rest" always, & for that they provide everything. parents also spend lots of money in their extra curricular activities.

   Then the expectation of both parents & the children started which make the conflict grow in their life. The "Cognitive dis balance" of thought get arising to develop the tendency of suicide among the teenagers.

    But the question is who is responsible for the student's suicide, the parents, the society or the child itself, It's all come from expectations which gave boosting to pressure the child weather in negative or positive manners.        

Thursday 23 August 2012

Women's Sports Life

Date:21 Aug 2012. Tuesday.

    "Marry Kom", "Saniya Nehwal","Saniya Mirza"& so many sports women are been glory to our country.They all the struggle a lot become the India's best atheists.

     A well known writer Namita Bhandare try to focus apart from the sports life which we see. Indian sports women, we can see the fame,& the medals, achieved. but to achieve that what they are going through, we are unable to see that.

    The reality is totally different comparing to male athletic,Indian woman athlete continue to a            less than equal. when the BCCI disburses 70 crore to 160. Former players. but their is not a one woman on their list. Woman hockey players level sexual harassment charges against their coach. The Asian games gold medalist Pinki Pramunik, who spent 25 days in a male ward in jail.

   UN 2007 sports, women gender equality & sport. According to the Indian Express, women have 60% of all International championships in the last year. The remarkable journey of the Indian's sports women become an history in Indian sports..  

Saturday 18 August 2012

Accident v/s Irresponsibility

Date:18 Aug 2012. Saturday.

   In today's world the life of common people become more fast, comparing to earlier times. Due to that we also explore the transport facilities and its different dimensions. which common people  can used easily.

   And due to fast life, We want shortcut too & Easier way to reach everywhere, which cause accident in a large number. so, if this type of irresponsible life style we want to do things quickly at the cause of our life?

  Most of the people commit mistakes and show their lawlessness & anarchy for liberty. The deviancy create problem to them like traveling by the train. People used to stand at the entrance, & also most of the time kids plays around it. Some times, while the train is on a platform & it starts going ahead, people used to catch the train without having any kind of fear in their heart.
 Most of the time people carry luggage & kids also, but still people do not  have any kind of fear, just because they are in rush this kind of incident also we can speak the at the signal, when people cross the road. so, we can say that too some exclaimed common people are also responsible.

 Due to the government irresponsibility also accidents accurs, like under constructions of the buildings, roads, railways & the improper material which they use. So, Accident V/S Irresponsibility is depend on both common people as well as government. If both cooperate each other & follow the rules properly the level of accident become less in our society.                    

Friday 17 August 2012

BMC's Education

Date:17 Aug 2012. Friday.

    The irresponsibility of BMC's education system was explained by the residential students and their parents of darukahan area because they still struggling for their proper education just because the proper service was not still provided by the BMC.

   So, the question arises now is that, those study in BMC's school and belong to the slum and those who stay far away from their school can't they have right to travel safely. Only parents get worried about their children, because government school are not paying proper attention on their students they only providing the facilities. They did not think, is that facilities reaching towards student or not.

Thursday 16 August 2012

The different sides of women in today's world

Date: 16 Aug 2012.  Thursday.

  In today's fast life, due to change in the structure of women's role in the globalized world the role & responsibility also get changed. We have different sides of women.
  One who is working and one who is still struggling for their kids upliftment. Due to the changes, Both the sides of women have one common motive that to make the brighter future a proper stand in the society.  But which one has to do hard work is the one who is well globalized by new form of technology and knowledge about the world, or the one who still struggling to understand the changes which happened now........

  But..... The reality is that both the sides of  women has their own  stand in the society which makes both of them important......