Saturday 18 August 2012

Accident v/s Irresponsibility

Date:18 Aug 2012. Saturday.

   In today's world the life of common people become more fast, comparing to earlier times. Due to that we also explore the transport facilities and its different dimensions. which common people  can used easily.

   And due to fast life, We want shortcut too & Easier way to reach everywhere, which cause accident in a large number. so, if this type of irresponsible life style we want to do things quickly at the cause of our life?

  Most of the people commit mistakes and show their lawlessness & anarchy for liberty. The deviancy create problem to them like traveling by the train. People used to stand at the entrance, & also most of the time kids plays around it. Some times, while the train is on a platform & it starts going ahead, people used to catch the train without having any kind of fear in their heart.
 Most of the time people carry luggage & kids also, but still people do not  have any kind of fear, just because they are in rush this kind of incident also we can speak the at the signal, when people cross the road. so, we can say that too some exclaimed common people are also responsible.

 Due to the government irresponsibility also accidents accurs, like under constructions of the buildings, roads, railways & the improper material which they use. So, Accident V/S Irresponsibility is depend on both common people as well as government. If both cooperate each other & follow the rules properly the level of accident become less in our society.                    

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