Friday 14 September 2012

हिंदी दिवस


 लाड़ली बेटी है ये हिन्दी
संस्कृत की एक लाड़ली बेटी है ये हिन्दी।
बहनों को साथ लेकर चलती है ये हिन्दी।

सुंदर है, मनोरम है, मीठी है, सरल है,
ओजस्विनी है और अनूठी है ये हिन्दी।

पाथेय है, प्रवास में, परिचय का सूत्र है,
मैत्री को जोड़ने की सांकल है ये हिन्दी।

पढ़ने व पढ़ाने में सहज है, ये सुगम है,
साहित्य का असीम सागर है ये हिन्दी।

तुलसी, कबीर, मीरा ने इसमें ही लिखा है,
कवि सूर के सागर की गागर है ये हिन्दी।

वागेश्वरी का माथे पर वरदहस्त है,
निश्चय ही वंदनीय मां-सम है ये हिंदी।

अंग्रेजी से भी इसका कोई बैर नहीं है,
उसको भी अपनेपन से लुभाती है ये हिन्दी।

यूं तो देश में कई भाषाएं और हैं,
पर राष्ट्र के माथे की बिंदी है ये हिन्दी।

Hindi is our National Language and we all should be proud of it. September 14th every year is celebrated as a mark of acknowledgement of the Indian official language. Hindi adopts the true spirit of Indians in terms of tolerance. Hindi is also called as a ‘link language’, which connects the united India.
Hindi has a history behind; it belongs to Indo–Aryan branch of indo European language family. The word ‘Hindi’ itself is a gift of Persian, Mughals added to its flavour, Amir Khusro was first to write Hindi Poem.
This language has travelled a long distance to make its presence felt in the World. It is spoken in many parts of the world and its one of the main language in Mauritius, Surinam, Trinidad and many others including the U.S.A, South Africa, New Zealand etc. It is not only the mother tongue of 180 million people, it is also the second language of 300 million people.
Gandhi used this language to unite the whole India and used this language as ‘language of unity’. The word Swedish revolutionizes the freedom struggle, and its entry into the Oxford dictionary marks its importance in world history. Statistics are available which tells us that Hindi is the second most spoken language of the world.
It’s spoken by almost 500 million people over the world, the third most spoken language. It’s the official language of India, the country with the second largest population in the world.
Hindi Diwas was celebrated in GURUKUL on 14th September. The school organized an Essay Writing Competitions for the students of Grade VII till XII and the students participated with great fervor.

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