Saturday 15 September 2012

Migrants life in a Metro

Date: 15 sep 2012

    From other cities and states but it is no mean the only one.
Almost a third of Indians , or 321-325 million out of India's
population of 1,125-1,140 million, during the Period of the survey in
2007-08 were migrants , according to the United Nations Development
Programme- supported Human Development Research Paper on Migration and
Human Development in India by Priya Deshinkar and Shaheen Akter
(2009). According to the authors , migrant laborer contribute nearly
10% of India's GDP.
Migrants labour can be found in many spheres she said, like
construction , stonequarries, rickshaw, domestic work etc .
If all went back to where they come from?
So my point is what will happen if all this migrants went back is that
the contractors being remain profitable in their business.

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